Who is the ash pumpkin thief - Pleasure of Mind

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Who is the ash pumpkin thief

Who Is The Thief

Once there lived a farmer in a village.One say he saw a big ash pumpkin growing on his chena.Every day he came to look at the ash pumpkin which was growing bigger and bigger ."I can sell this big ash pumpkin at the village fair and get a lot of money," he thought. However ,one night a thief entered the chena and stole the big ash pumpkin.

The farmer was very sad.He went to the village headman to complain about the theft.The headman thought of a good plan to catch the thief.He asked all the people in the village to come to one place.Then he took a bell and went round the people ringing the bell and saying to them ,"There's ash on the thief's shoulder".When the thief heard this he secretly looked back and wiped his shoulder.The headman saw this and cried ,"That's the ash pumpkin thief.Catch him".

The village headman wanted to punish the thief .He asked the thief to go round the village with the stolen ash pumpkin on his shoulders.

     The End.

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