Purple foods are nutritionally good - Pleasure of Mind

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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Purple foods are nutritionally good

Purple foods 

Purple rice, bamboo, purple cabbage, purple radish, purple dandruff, mackerel, corn, and some other vegetables are also included. Purple, clove, A study suggests that the puréed diet consumes many of the benefits of smoking, as well as the development of immunity.

Dry rice, bamboo, purple These are also vegetables. They also include vegetables, cysts, and so on, which help them to grow immune. But purple-colored wheat is also very good. Dyed Whether you have managed to see the rice, there may not be any purple-colored wheat. But in many other countries, there are still countries where these experiments are being conducted. It is said that on a large scale, the wheat market is coming to the market.

ANTHOSAYANIN has a lot of wheat bread, which has antioxidant properties. There's a lot of immunity to the wheat bread and wheat wheat for 3 months. Humiliations later revealed. 10% of wheat consumed their immunity.

This experiment has done by Tamer Gamel & his scientists.
Saskatchewan,s pro.Pierre Hucl has given help.This study was done in Guelp Reserch Development Centre,Kanada. 

So i want to tel you ,you eat more and more purple foods.


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