Make a Simple Telescope - Pleasure of Mind

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Make a Simple Telescope

Build Your own Telescope

Building your own telescope is a fun optical experiment and it can be used to get a better view of the moon and other distant objects.

What You Need:

Two lenses with different focal lengths (We recommend 150 mm and 500 mm double convex lense)
Paper towel roll
1 piece of paper or cardstock 

What You Do:

1.Roll up the sheet of paper or cardstock the long way to form a tube that is about the diameter of the lens with the shortest focal length.This will be the eyepiece.Tape the edges of the eyepiece ens to one  end of the tube as neatly as possible.

2.Tape the second lens neatly to the end of the paper towel tube.Insert the empty end of the paper tube into the cardboard tube.Now your telescope is ready to be used!!!!! 

3.look through piece and point the other end of your telescope at a distant object.Slide the two tubes in and out until the object comes in o focus.You will see the image upside down and magnified.If you have trouble focusing the telescope,you may need to lengthen ,either by using  a large piece of paper for the eyepiece end or a longer cardboard tube(such as from a wrapping paper roll).

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