The Most Beautiful Cities in the World 2018 - Pleasure of Mind

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Most Beautiful Cities in the World 2018

There are many beautiful places in the world.Among them some of them places are selected to this post.
Without more talking let's go to see them.

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018





The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

It isn't wrong to call ,New york is the biggest and the greatest city in America.
After reading this you will see beauty of New york.

According to history in 1609,this was found by sailor of Henri Hadson .After five year from finding this another two sailors Peter Minuyit,Manghaton found this again.
This two guys built this as New Amsterdam.(Amsterdam is the capital of Orland) After this Orland controllers sold this to a Briton controller York.After he using his name called to New Amsterdam as New York.

The ocean of North America is near to this beautiful city.There are 8,000,000 people in their.There are four main cities,The Bronks,Brooklin,Manhaton and Staton Island.
The sun gives light to this city 280 days yearly but this is usually wet.

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

The first president was George Washington and he selected this for main city.By 19 century this city has got big development and attraction.Specially, in that time this city is very big.Staton & Brooklin brought to New york.Now,

there are more than 8,000,000 people in there.New york is the greatest commercial city.
The wonderful thing is the "liberty".It's very attractive and most beautiful.There are many artists,musicians and other artists have admired & respected this city.
This is the heart of New york.World thinks 'LIBERTY' is the sign of USA.
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

After 1960 New york became to the most important city in USA.Metropoliton museum,New york university,Juliet university are some of examples for arts & music.
Times square in Brod is also important.Such as Kaangi music hall,Soho & Greenwich village are increased it values.


The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

This is very beautiful city and among other great cities Paris have become to top place.
Paris is the biggest city in France & people called "City of Lights'.

At present there are 2,100,000 people in their.In the past left hand of Paris is the artisits' home.
Right hand is the economy site.Paris has been feeded by many different of religious teachings.
It was the motherland for many super inventors & artists.
Among artists which lived in that time Henri the Thouslove,Lottuk Jeen Evudov Vulad,Polo Gogiyano 
are some of examples.

There were many famous writers Henro Dee Basak,George Sandi,Jert Root,Arnest Hemingway & Miller are some of examples for writers.
Also lived a great thinkers.

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

'MONALISA' is the world famous art & "SAMOTHRES" is very popular.
This art collections have in the museums yet now.'NOTHRADAMUS ASANA DEV MADURA" is a world heritage.
According to history this was created to worship Jupiter god by Roman.
In 1804 Napoleon Bonaparte got kingdom in this place.

In 1889 created Aifal Tower beautify the Paris map & its around.Dee Truompfi same to Aifal.

In 885 Vikings have made hut in this Paris.
In the past Paris called "LUTATIYA".After Seeser got Paris to under his power.Against to Seeser ,Galiks fired and destroyed Paris.

After many of incidents Seventeenth Luvee & His queen Marie Antoniet was killed by There own people.
Have you heard about Marie Antonie ? In one moment she told to her people "IF HAVE NOT BREAD,EAT CAKE".This statements shows us her capricious & badness.

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

At present Paris has become a most busiest city.Jobless & traffic are big problems.

However ,this LIGHT CITY beautify the world.   


The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

Some people called Hong kong as Hong kong land.It is wrong.Hong kong is a place that ruled by China.
This is ruled by one country-two system.According to this system,about her safety & forgings she has to work with China government.

Hong kong means "smell harbour".This is a deep & natural.However actually, this is a island.After the first war of opium in 1842 Britons ruled this.Recently,in 1983 Hong kong was a non-self governing by Britannic.
After that again China got as self governorly.In the city 95% are Chinese.Hong kong is a city;a harbour;a island however population is high.Into 1054 km of square there are 700,000  people live.
It is a one of most population place among other places.
Many people consider Hong kong is connected with east & west.Specially, as a cultural place.There are  facilities for music,super carnivals,hotels & cultural festivals.

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018
The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

Before 1842 Hong kong for called "Aberdideeeng harbour".Present it calls small Hong kong.Before conquer the Hong kong by Britons, Britons connected with fishermans.In that time Perl harbour was kissed by this beautiful harbour.To sell smell powders have in there.
So,people called it smell harbour.After destroying this harbour and erected Victoria harbour.But they use past name.

Hong kong is popular for 'abin,opium-(a drug).But the Chinese president Qveeng in 1839 prohibited to import that drug.
Therefore the war of Opium was started with China & Britannic.In 1841 British army conquer the island of Hong kong.

The  Most Beautiful Cities  in the World 2018

At present Hong kong is being ruled by China,but Hong kong has self made currency,political system & road rules.

This is different from another islands.Hence this is very beautiful and new.

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