Pure Love- you must read this - Pleasure of Mind

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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Pure Love- you must read this

Love is not a simple feeling.It is very valuable & special one.The word "Love" has deep meanings.Everyone has asked what is love? Can people give answers to this? No.If someone told "yes I can" it is false.Love feels to our heart.

The love is a great thing.But many people couldn't see this yet.Some of people have seen.

Have you a love? Love is a most powerful thing.If a boy and a girl love to each other anyone can't stop them.That is the love power.

 When I saw her in the first time I felt a feeling which can't describe.I can't explain it.In that time my body is very cool and calm.Her view is very attractive.In that time I couldn't to speak anything.I should tell this "Love is not a one of desire like sex.
In that day I saw her differently,I have never felt as this feeling.Her eyes like to lotus;Her face like to moon;Her skin like to sun;Her hair like to blue water;Her smile defeats everything.

She came to front of my face.She told me.In that time I thought really she is a goddess.But in that time couldn't to speak.
When I am sleeping she comes to me from as a dream.But I haven't felt this about another girl.
Love is the foundation of marriage life.Her walk also a most beautiful one.Real love can be connected with one boy with one girl.If connected to it third party it is not a real love. 

Most of people cheat to his girl or her boy.It is a very bad thing.Hence they can't get proper marriage life.If someone cheat to his or her partner her or his marriage life will break exactly.
So don't cheat to your partner.You two should trust each other.Because when we have to face happy or bad time only the partner should need.
If you are going to marry please find who is the real lover.You should marry that real lover.Due to desire of sex don't marry some one and don't cheat each other.
Family is the best.The world is so big.But the love is bigger than the world.Don't sex with others without your partner.Due to this your life will stop quickly.It is permanent.

You love her really.You smile her always.You spend with her happily.I can't explain how love is & what love is.But I know one thing Love is a great thing.


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